کسب رایگان 250 توکن BNDL به ارزش 20 دلار
کسب رایگان 250 توکن BNDL به ارزش 20 دلار
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سپس به برگه AIRDROP برید و کارهایی که خواستن رو انجام بدید ، کارها خیلی ساده هستش و وقتی نمیبره
بخشی از سوالات پر تکرار
What is CoinBundle?
CoinBundle is the easiest way to build your investment portfolio by buying bundles of cryptocurrencies with just one click.
What can I do with CoinBundle
With CoinBundle you can invest in different bundles of cryptocurrencies. That helps you to save time on researching as well as diversify your cryptocurrency investment risks.
Is CoinBundle an exchange or investment platform?
We are an investment platform that partners with different exchanges in order to get the best prices for our users.
What is the CoinBundle Token?
The CoinBundle token (BNDL) is a native token that will unlock extra features for its users. At launch BNDL token holders will be eligible for bonus premiums if they hold their bundle for longer than 12 months. In the future BNDL token holders will also have access to other features like voting on governance.
- ۹۷/۰۵/۲۶
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